It's Time To Leap!

As we celebrate a once-in-every-four-year phenomenon of a leap year, this is a perfect time to revisit what it means to leap. Webster defines a leap as a jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force. Just as the leap year brings our 365-day calendar back into alignment every four years, there are times when leaps are necessary for us to reach God’s place of purpose. 

 Leaping requires faith and courage. One cannot be timid in their leap forward to have the momentum needed. Maybe you are sensing going back to school, changing a career, starting a business, or launching a new invention, book, or idea. If not careful, one can hesitate to launch into something new or different because it does not make sense to take a risk based on what is seen with the physical eyes.

 If God has spoken in your heart to do it, there is no better time than now to get busy. You have put it off long enough, waiting for the perfect time. Now is the best time to take a risk toward the dream God has placed on your heart. Fill out that application, send the email, work on that business plan, and schedule the networking session with others already in the places you want to go!

Someone needs the gift you possess, and I sincerely pray that God will connect you with the right resources and people to bring it to fruition. Leap into what God has for you. It may feel uncomfortable, but thankfully this faith walk is not limited by our feelings and senses.  Make your move, and watch God work on your behalf. 

Prayer: Lord, guide my footsteps today to accomplish everything you have called me to do in this season. I refuse to allow fear to paralyze me from moving forward into new territory. Thank you in advance for doing exceedingly, abundantly above all that I could ever ask or imagine according to your power that works within me. Amen.

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