A September To Remember

This month marks the 25th anniversary of my taking a giant leap of faith to move hundreds of miles away from my home state to pursue ministry training in Oklahoma.  The date was September 1st 1997.   The timing seemed liked the worst ever.  Though I had recently obtained my undergraduate degree, I was unemployed, had no savings, and I even had to abandon my car (which needed major costly repairs) at an auto shop in order to move to a state that I had never ever visited. 

It did not seem like the responsible thing to do in moving so far away from home and lacking as much money and resources as I did. I honestly tried to devise a plan to delay my move for about a year to prepare myself better. However, the urgency to get to my new location of purpose immediately was greater than the adverse circumstances I faced. I’m sincerely grateful for a host of family, friends, and even strangers who encouraged me with spiritual, moral and financial support throughout this major transition. .

Today marks the 25th anniversary of my taking a giant leap of faith to move hundreds of miles away from my home state to pursue ministry training in Oklahoma.  The date was September 1st 1997.   The timing seemed liked the worst ever.  Though I had recently obtained my undergraduate degree, I was unemployed, had no savings, and I even had to abandon my car (which needed major costly repairs) at an auto shop in order to move to a state that I had never ever visited. 

It did not seem like the responsible thing to do in moving so far away from home and lacking as much money and resources as I did. I honestly tried to devise a plan to delay my move for about a year to prepare myself better. However, the urgency to get to my new location of purpose immediately was greater than the adverse circumstances I faced. I’m sincerely grateful for a host of family, friends, and even strangers who encouraged me with spiritual, moral and financial support throughout this major transition. 

 Starting over in a new place was one of the scariest yet most exhilarating things I have ever experienced. Had I attempted this move in my own strength, I have no doubt that it would have failed. However, God has performed miracle after miracle from my arrival up until the present to remind me that He was and still is with me through every mountain and valley. As I reflect back, I appreciate the value of trusting and depending on God for daily provision which each step I took.  He did not always show up when I wanted Him to but He surely revealed his presence exactly when I needed it and often from unexpected sources. 

I challenge anyone who is waiting for all the pieces to fall in place before you make a move on what God has placed on your heart to do to please use wisdom.  However, don’t allow what you are lacking to keep you from taking the first step. 

One of the primary lessons I have learned is that you must be willing to move out of your comfort zone and take risks or you will certainly miss out on opportunities that can enrich your life (and others) for the better. 

I can think of no better way to commemorate this significant milestone than to share some original songs of faith, encouragement, and worship (on my Philippians 4:13 EP)  that have been inspired by my journey thus far.

My prayer is that the testimony in this blog and the music will be a blessing to someone.


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